Replay XD 1080 Action Camera Firmware Update and Downloads

Update method
manual download

Firmware updates and downloads for the Replay XD 1080 mini action camera.

Last modified
04/25/2020 - 23:04
Camera manufacturer
replay xd 1080 action camera


  1. Download the firmware to the desktop.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Make sure your microSD card is correctly formatted. (FAT32)
  4. Copy the XD1080miniFW.bin firmware file from the XD1080fw_single_update_v1-3 folder to the root level of the microSD card.
  5. After file copy is completed, properly unmount the microSD card.
  6. Make sure the Replay XD 1080 Mini is Powered-Off and plugged into power with the supplied USB cable.
  7. Install the microSD card into the Replay XD 1080 Mini.
  8. Press and hold the Power button until the Replay XD 1080 Mini Powers-On. The camera will vibrate 3 times, the Red LED light will be solid, and the Blue LED light on top will blink rapidly to show that the firmware is loading. Once the Firmware is finished installing, the Replay XD 1080 Mini will automatically vibrate 1 time and Power-Off. Important Note: If upgrade procedure is not followed properly, interrupting the update process while the lights are still flashing may permanently damage your camera!

Firmware file change log

V1.4 Replay XD 1080 Action Camera Firmware Update

  • Reformat SD card option: Hold Record button for 10 seconds during Power On camera, SD card will reformat.
  • Slow-down Firmware upgrade progress LED’s
  • USB Mass Storage Mode: Mount to Mac or PC
  • USB LiveView: Mount to Mac 10.7 or later and PC Windows 7 or later
  • General UI fixes

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