DJI Mavic Air 2 vs PowerVision PowerEgg X Camera Drone Comparison

DJI Mavic Air 2 vs PowerVision PowerEgg X Camera Drone Comparison

In this article we compare the specs and features of the DJI Mavic Air 2 and the Powervision PowerEgg-X camera drones.

You can compare these two drones in more depth at our one of a kind drone comparisons tool, filter film making drones to narrow down features you want in an aerial photography drone and much more.

Spec Comparison of the DJI Mavic Air 2 and the Powervision PowerEgg X

In this comparison we compare the very different looking DJI Mavic Air 2 which was released in spring of 2020 and the Powervision PowerEgg-X which was released just a few months prior in early 2020.

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is a $999 camera drone for the fly more combo and the PowerEgg-X costs around $1249 brand new.

Physical Comparison

Even though they look like similar camera drones, they couldn't be much different, with the DJI Mavic Air 2 being a folding arm drone and the PowerEgg-X being a removable arm camera drone.

This is because the body of the PowerEgg-X can be used by itself, with the camera gimbal attached as a personal video camera, somewhat similar to the Fimi Palm or the DJI Osmo Pocket.

This makes the PowerEgg-X a much more versatile and dynamic camera drone than first impressions give.

The downside is that it's not as easy to pack away as the arms have to be removed and the egg shaped body is quite large.

When the DJI Mavic Air 2 is folded up in to its smallest form, it is 20cm in length, diagonally.

The PowerEgg-X is double that at 42cm when it's arms are attached, because it can't be folded up, we can't compare these two dimensions.

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is 1.4L in volume and the PowerEgg-X is just over 3.8L with it's arms attached.

The Mavic Air 2 is also a lighter camera drone, weighing in at 570 grams, compared to the 862grams of the PowerEgg-X.

Performance Comparison

The PowerEgg-X is a very high performance camera drone, capable of top speeds of 65kmh. The DJI Mavic Air 2 is on part with this at 68kmh, so just a tad faster in terms of top flight speed.

Where the PowerEgg-X does tremendously, is that of ascent and descent speeds, with some of the fastest on the market, at 18m/s for it's ascent and 10m/s for the descent. If you are after aerial shots in which you rocket up in to the sky, the PowerEgg-X will be hard to be beaten in this feature.

The DJI Mavic Air 2 has much slower ascent and descent speeds of 4m/s.

They can both tolerate very similar wind speeds of around 36-38kmh, which is satisfactory.

The DJI Mavic Air 2 has a phenomenal video transmission distance of 10km, with the PowerEgg-X only reaching half that distance.

The DJI Mavic Air 2 has a slightly larger flight time of 34 minutes, compared to 30 minutes for the PowerEgg X camera drone.

The active tracking is some of the best on the PowerEgg X, with its arms fixed or not, you get a fantastic camera drone which can track you as you move about.

Photo and Video Comparison

The DJI Mavic Air 2 has a 84° degree field of view compared to the 78° degree FOV on the PowerEgg X. This means at the same height in the sky, the DJI Mavic Air 2 will clearly see more at ground level.

The Mavic Air 2 also has a larger video bitrate of 120mbps, compared to 75mbps of the PowerVision PowerEgg X.

You get a slightly larger image sensor size in the DJI Mavic Air 2 at 1/2" image sensor, in the form of the Sony IMX586.

You get a 1.5mm smaller (diagonally) image sensor in the size of a 1/2.8" image sensor on the PowerEgg X, we are unaware at what sensor it uses.

The video and photo features are slightly better on the Mavic Air 2, with 48mp JPEG photos, compared to 12MP on the PowerEgg X.

As well as 1080p, 240fps which is great for slow motion footage. You get 120fps on the PowerEgg and they both share 4k at 60fps.

You also get RAW photography and flat profile video recording on the MA2 which is great if you want to do post-colour grading for either your aerial photos or drone video.

Both cameras use a 3-axis gimbal to smooth out their footage.


These are two very different drones that share a few features.

The PowerEgg X is slightly more money but you do get unique features with it, such as the removable arms and you can use the egg body as it's own camera without flying, in hand or on a tripod.

It has some amazing active tracking features and fantastic footage from its camera.

It is also one of the most sporty camera drones and has the fastest ascent and descent speeds as well as top speed of any camera drone.

The DJI Mavic Air 2 has some unique flight and shooting features such as hyperlapse and timelapse recording via waypoints which is very cool and great image quality comes out of the camera.

You also get a lighter camera drone that can fly for a little longer.

Depending on what you want out of an aerial photography or film making drone, you have a great option with either of these two camera drones.

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Image dji mavic air 2 camera drone powervision poweregg x camera drone
Title DJI Mavic Air 2 Drone Specs PowerVision PowerEgg X Drone Specs
Price $999 $1249
Video reviews
Release Date 3 years 11 months ago 4 years 3 months ago
Manufacturer DJI Powervision

Physical Specs

Physical Specs

Diagonal Distance 200mm 426mm
Dimensions (smallest) 180 × 97 × 84 mm 480 × 630 × 127 mm
Volume Size 1466cm³ 38404cm³
Controller Type remote controller and smart phone remote controller and smart phone
Controller Dimensions 101 × 152 × 38 mm
Controller Volume Size 583cm³
Weight 570grams 862grams
Controller Weight
Drone & Controller Combined Volume 2049cm³
Drone & Controller Combined Weight
Size small large
Physical Features folding arms folding arms, modular

Performance Specs

Performance Specs

Max Speed 68kmh 65kmh
Max Ascent Speed 4m/s 18m/s
Max Descent Speed 4m/s 10m/s
Max Wind Speed 38kmh 36kmh
Wind Resistance level 5 level 5
Max Flight Altitude 5000m 4000m
Transmission Distance 10 km 5 km
Flight Time 34 minutes 30 minutes
Noise Level 74 decibels
Charge Time 100 minutes
Uptime Score (Charge Time / Battery Life) 25/100
Flight Distance (Speed X Flight Time) 38.53km 32.50km
Positioning Sensor GPS

Photo and Video Specs

Photo and Video Specs

Focal Length 24mm 27mm
Field of View 84° 78°
Max Bitrate 120 Mbps 75 Mbps
Image Sensor sony imx586
Image Sensor Size 1/2" Inch 1/2.8"
Image Sensor Size Diagonal 8.00mm 6.48mm
Photo Resolution 48mp 12mp
Slow mo (1080p) 8x 4x
Slowest FPS (1080p) 240fps 120fps
Best Video Resolution 4k 4k
Flight Modes cinematic mode, normal mode, sport mode gesture mode, normal mode
Image Format DNG, JPEG, raw JPEG, raw
Image Processor
Obstacle Avoidance backward, downward, forward downward, forward
Photo Modes 180 degree panorama, auto exposure bracketing, burst photos, HDR, interval, manual ISO, manual shutter speed, panorama, single shot, sphere panorama, timed photos single shot
Resolution and FPS Pairings 1080p 120fps, 1080p 240fps, 1080p 30fps, 1080p 60fps, 2.7k 30fps, 2.7k 60fps, 4k 30fps, 4k 60fps 1080p 120fps, 1080p 30fps, 1080p 60fps, 4k 30fps, 4k 60fps
Auto Shot Modes asteroid, boomerang, circle, course lock, dronie, free, helix, rocket, waypoint active track, active track parallel, active track spotlight, follow, hand gestures
Tracking Modes active track, focus track, point of interest
Video Format D-Cinelike, H.264, H.265, MOV, MP4 H.264, H.265, MOV, MP4
Zoom none none
Video Modes HDR, video video
Image Stabilization 3 axis gimbal 3 axis gimbal
  • It's less than $1000 brand new
  • Has a long flight time
  • Is a fast camera drone
  • Has a great 1/2" image sensor in the camera
  • One of the highest video bitrates of any film making drone at 120 mbps
  • Can shoot 48mp photos
  • Weighs just over half a kilo at 570 grams, which makes it one of the lightest portable camera drones available
  • Has many more shooting and tracking modes than other DJI drones
  • For DJI drones and their flying apps, you need specific phones on Android or iPhone 7 or later. We have tried multiple 64bit Android phones on Android 9 and still been unable to use their flying apps, so please check before purchasing.
  • Can't charge via USB straight in to the drone
  • No zoom
User Guide

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