GoPro Hero 8 Black vs SJCam SJ6 Legend Action Camera Comparison

GoPro Hero 8 Black vs SJCam SJ6 Legend Action Camera Comparison

In this article we compare the specs and features of the GoPro Hero 8 Black and the SJCam SJ6 Legend action cameras.

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Spec Comparison of the GoPro Hero 8 Black and the SJCam S6 Legend

In this comparison table we have each action camera side by side with all of their specs and features so we can compare them and share individual features that you may be interested in to see which action camera is best for you and your photography and film making.

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Title SJCam SJ6 Legend Action Camera Spec GoPro Hero 8 Black Action Camera Spec
Price $159 $399
Release date 6 years 11 months ago 4 years 6 months ago
Video review

Phsyical Specs

Phsyical Specs

Dimensions 59 × 21.1 × 41 mm 66.3 × 48.6 × 28.4 mm
Volume 51.00cm³ 91.50cm³
Weight 126grams
Screen info screen, rear touch screen info screen, rear touch screen
Ports micro SD, mini USB micro HDMI, micro SD, USB Type-C
Physical features flappy gopro mount, waterproof

Performance Specs

Performance Specs

Battery life 130minutes 100minutes
Charge time 180minutes 240minutes
Uptime score 42/100 29/100
Depth rating (without case) 0m 10m
Remove battery
Shock resistant 0.00m
Battery size 1050mAh 1220mAh
Max memory size
Chipset Novatek NTK96660 GoPro GP1
Form rounded rectangular rounded rectangular
Connectivity Wifi Wifi, Voice, Bluetooth
Image stabilisation gyro stabalization electronic image stabalization
Movement sensors GPS
Size medium medium
IP Rating

Photo and Video Features

Photo and Video Features

Field of view 170degrees 170degrees
Image sensor Panasonic MN34120PA Sony IMX277
Sensor size 1/2.3 inch 1/2.3 inch
Image sensor diagonal
Aperture F2.80
Photo resolution 12.00mp
Photo burst rate 15fps 30fps
Best video resolution 2k 4k
Best video resolution 2560 x 1440 3840 x 2160
Resolution and fps 720p 120fps, 1080p 60fps, 2k 30fps, 4K 24fps interpolated 1080p 240fps, 1440p 120fps, 2.7k 60fps, 2.7k 120fps, 4k 30fps, 4k 60fps
Video resolutions with stabilization 4k 30fps
Shooting modes burst photos, FPV, loop (dashcam), photo, photos in video, time lapse, video burst mode, HDR, hyperlapse, live streaming, loop (dashcam), photo, time lapse, time lapse video, timer mode, video
Photo features RAW photos exposure control, HDR, live burst, RAW photos, timer
Slow mo 4x 8x
Slowest FPS 120fps 240fps
Bitrate 30Mb 100Mb
Minimum focus distance 30cm 30cm
Internal microphones
Video features adjustable FOV, upside down mode advanced metadata, exposure control, horizon levelling, image stabilization, low light
Photo features RAW photos exposure control, HDR, live burst, RAW photos, timer
Zoom none digital

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